30 August 2023 – The declaration processing system (DPS) has been enhanced to include:
The dual inspection process for bonded movement goods; and
The electronic exchange of declaration information with other government agencies (OGAs) after obtaining prior consent from the registered SARS client.
The Customs status response message annexure (SC-CF-55-A09) has been updated to include the new Customs response messages (CUSRES) and scenarios for both of the above-mentioned system enhancements.
A new Supporting Document Codes list annexure (SC-CF-55-A11) has been created. Declarants must use the codes when uploading the requested supporting documents to the Customs clearance declaration (CCD) case.
The Completion of Declaration annexure (SC-CF-55-A01) has been updated to include:
The consignee details that must be used when completing an export CCD.
The transfer of liability requirements in the remover code paragraph. When a declarant wants to make use of a licenced remover of goods (ROG) instead of the shipping line, to move containerised goods to the place of inspection, the ROG code must be inserted in this field.
Which house bill of lading/air waybill details must be inserted in the paragraph dealing with the house waybill number.
The mandatory completion requirement of the VAT indicator field when a VAT Registration Number is declared.
The UK additional information code.
The Alphabetic Country and Currency Codes annexure (SC-CF-55-A05) has been amended to reflect Euro as the official currency used in countries that form part of the European Union.
The external policy and annexures can be accessed through the following link:
SC-CF-55 – Clearance Declaration – External Policy;
SC-CF-55-A01 – Completion of Declarations – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A02 – Alphabetic District Office Codes – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A03 – Combination Matrix – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A04 – Procedure Measure Matrix – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A05 – Alphabetic Country and Currency Codes – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A06 – Supplementary Unit Codes – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A07 – Countable Quantity Codes – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A08 – Export Coding – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A09 – Customs Status Response Messages – External Annexure;
SC-CF-55-A10 – Acquittal and Proof of Export Requirements – External Annexure; and
SC-CF-55-A11 – Supporting Document Codes – External Annexure.