18 January 2024 – Customs and Excise Act, 1964: The tariff amendment notices, scheduled for publication in the Government Gazette, relate to the amendments to –
Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, to provide for technical amendments, by the insertion of new 8-digit tariff subheadings under Chapters 5, 12, 20, 30, 41 and 72 (with retrospective effect from 1 January 2024);
Part 1F of Schedule No. 6, by the substitution of Note 1 to remove the reference to rebate item 623.01, as it no longer exists (with retrospective effect from 1 January 2024);
Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the insertion tariff subheading 2009.89.55 and 2009.90.15 to provide for nut juices in subheading 2009.89 and mixtures of nut juices in subheading 2009.90 (with retrospective effect from 1 January 2022);
Part 2 of Schedule No. 4, by the creation of a temporary rebate provision for the importation of optic fibre cables and electrical apparatus, classifiable under tariff subheading 8544.70, used in the international submarine optical fibre cable infrastructure, as well as the creation for a temporary rebate provision for electrical apparatus for making connections to or in electrical circuit, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 volts, other, classifiable under tariff subheading 8536.90.90, for use in international submarine optical fibre cable infrastructure – ITAC Report 614; and
Appendix II to Annex 1 of the SADC Protocol on Trade, where it appears in Part B to the General Notes in Schedule No. 1, is being amended to substitute the 12-block SADC Certificate of Origin template with the 13-block SADC Certificate of Origin template as agreed on the 28th meeting of the SADC CMT.
Publication details will be made available later