12 December 2022 – Invitation to a tax education session for taxpayers in the arts, entertainment and sports sector
SARS is committed to assisting all taxpayers and small businesses to meet their tax obligations and remain compliant. In this regard, SARS will host a virtual session for small businesses and individual taxpayers within the entertainment, arts, and sports sectors.
The following topics will be covered:
Basics of Taxation
Voluntary Disclosure Programme
Debt Management Process
Estates Management Process
Event details:
Date: Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Time: 10:00-14:00
Platform (Virtual): Zoom and YouTube
As a valued taxpayer, you are invited to join the education session, which has a limited capacity.
Register for this session in advance at https://sars-gov-za.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AUaI6UG1Qru6lfn9AlbScQ
Meeting ID: 955 2765 7733
Passcode: 685945
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/eUyGLv_blII
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to log into the webinar for an opportunity to have your questions answered during the session. If you have tax related questions, please send an email to Creativeindustryquestions@sars.gov.za The webinar will also be recorded and published on the SARSTV YouTube channel after the event.